Over the last 25 years, Michelle has assisted in the creation of $5 billion in real estate in more than 25 states as a licensed designer. Asset classes included in Michelle’s portfolio are Senior Housing, Healthcare, Multifamily, Corporate Commercial, Media, and Hospitality. With a keen understanding of the business of her clients, Michelle is able to provide a unique perspective while helping them be successful. Michelle studies market trends of the asset types and locations of AIIM Capital Corporation’s client’s real estate (owned or consideration of owning). She is also familiar with new construction solutions and the ever-changing costs in the built environment. This allows AIIM Capital Corporation to add value to their clients by reviewing projects on a very granular level. To enhance her knowledge of the built environment, Michelle is a certified LEED AP (US Green building council certification), EDAC (evidenced based design accreditation and certification), and CHID (certified healthcare designer). With Michelle’s building expertise, and AIIM Capital Corporation’s financial expertise, she can help you assemble the most efficient capital stack for your transaction.